ALTERPLAN is an architectural design practise with satisfied clients throughout Cape Town and the surrounding areas. ALTERPLAN has been designing buildings for 44 years and have been involved with various projects including new home designs, renovations, commercial and industrial building design. ALTERPLAN can be described as a building design company with a passion for remarkable architecture and making the client’s building design ideas a reality. There is no project too small or too complicated for ALTERPLAN to do, as it is our corporate mission to deliver the best services.
That’s enough of the description of the business. Below is some info on the journey of and the brains behind ALTERPLAN’S success.
Kevin & Herman operated their practices individually up until end of May 2014, when they decided to combine their experience to offer an more flexible effective service to their clientele. This has borne fruit and the business has grown in leaps and bounds.
Feel free to contact us on any issue such as:
I need a basic house design. Simple, yet elegant and that shows my individual style.
I am changing the height of my boundary wall, and need you to design it, submit the boundary wall plans to council and facilitate the approval process at a good rate?
I want to develop some industrial land, can you design me through the process?
I want to renovate my office building to target more quality tenants. Sustainability and energy efficiency is key. Can you help?
If you like what we are about then Contact us.